Lucy Properties in the community

Lucy Properties care about the planet and aim to ensure that we contribute to the development and sustainability of the communities in which we live and operate.

June 2024

A Sunny Walk Around Oxford!

On Sunday, some of the Lucy Properties team led an 11km walk around Oxford for tenants. Blessed with glorious weather, everyone was provided with an LP water bottle to stay…
November 2023

Book Swaps

Book swap phone boxes and shelves took the UK by storm in 2020 when libraries and shops were closed. Since then they’ve become more and more common, and have proved to be a…

My work experience at Lucy Properties

I wanted to write about my work experience, which I did this week at Lucy Properties. Before coming here I was really nervous and didn’t know what to expect, but the…
October 2023

Clothes Donation to Oxfam Superstore!

This month our CSR Champions, Connie and Emily, initiated a clothing drive to collect used clothes to donate to the Oxfam Superstore. The response was overwhelming and our…

Our Jericho is a slice of life in Jericho, Oxford, in 2019. The video was inspired by Open Door Jericho, a programme made in 1974 for the BBC community access programme Open Door.

The video was made by Maggie Black, along with artist Lucy Willis. It is a celebration of Jericho’s past and present which Lucy Properties and Lucy Group’s history is interwoven with.

If you have a local cause that you think we would be interested in supporting please contact us.

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